Our online training

In 2020, we created SAGE & THYME Online: a workshop that is equivalent to the face to face SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop.

It was developed with our expert communication skills trainers and underwent several trials with our nationwide network of SAGE & THYME facilitators.

Comparing the two SAGE & THYME workshops
Comparison of SAGE & THYME Foundation Level and Online
SAGE & THYME Foundation Level SAGE & THYME Online
Delivery method Face to face Online
Duration 3 hours 2 hours 45 min
Number of delegates 30 20
Number of facilitators 3 2
Teaching venue Manchester, places that invite the Manchester team, and licensed organisations Zoom
Similarities Film about empathy, group work, film showing an acted scenario Film about empathy, group work, film showing an acted scenario
Differences Formal presentation; live rehearsals showing SAGE & THYME are used and learners interact and discuss Conversational presentation; no live rehearsals - a film of SAGE & THYME is interrupted and learners interact and discuss
Online meeting
About our online training

We can run the training for you

We can run a SAGE & THYME Online workshop for your organisation on Zoom for up to 20 participants.

Please contact us if you would like a quote for this.

Your staff can learn to run the SAGE & THYME Online workshop

There are two ways they can learn to do this:

Option 1 - Attend the face to face facilitator training (SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop + SATFAC course) and then use the resources we provide to teach themselves how to run the training online (may take another 2-3 days including practising).

Option 2 - Attend online facilitator training (SAGE & THYME Online workshop + Online SATFAC course + assessment)

As there is much less demand for option 2, we only run the online facilitator courses infrequently (when we have sufficient interest).

'SATFAC' is the name of the SAGE & THYME Facilitator course.

'MFT' is our organisation: Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.

Comparing the two types of facilitator training
Comparison of SATFAC and Online SATFAC
SATFAC Online SATFAC (OLS) + Assessment
Delivery method Face to face Online
Requirement Attended SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop run by MFT before SATFAC Attended SAGE & THYME Online workshop run by MFT before OLS
Duration 2 days 2 days - 1.5 days for Online SATFAC + 0.5 day for assessment (about 2 weeks later)
Number of delegates 12 12
Number of facilitators 2 2
Teaching venue Manchester or venue of customer’s choice (note that prices are different) Zoom
Method of assessment During the SATFAC course During the assessment session (about 2 weeks after the Online SATFAC to allow time to practice)
People who pass can teach SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop and SAGE & THYME Online (after some extra study using available resources) SAGE & THYME Online and parts of SAGE & THYME Foundation Level workshop (after attending a Foundation level workshop and receiving coaching from people who have passed SATFAC)