Why do organisations choose SAGE & THYME training?

Because it is based on evidence
Library shelves with books

Each element of the SAGE & THYME structure is based on published research on communication skills.

For example, we can't guess what other people are thinking - we have to ask them.

We should also listen to all their concerns and hold back on our own ideas on what might help.

The evidence is discussed in the SAGE & THYME workshop.

Research shows that SAGE & THYME works

SAGE & THYME training increases knowledge of helpful communication skills and also affects how people behave when speaking to a patient.  

People say that they use the skills taught in practice and that they make a difference both to the worried person they are speaking to and also themselves.

There have been a number of peer-reviewed papers published by the SAGE & THYME Team (in collaboration with the Maguire Communication Skills Unit), the University of Manchester and others.

They understand that staff and others need training
Male healthcare worker supporting female colleague

Effective communication skills are key when speaking to patients, colleagues and others. 

Many staff want to help people when they are worried and upset, but they don't always know what to say.

SAGE & THYME provides a structure to guide them into and out of the conversation, whilst providing person-focussed support.

Its reputation spreads by word of mouth

People who have been taught how to use the SAGE & THYME structure in a conversation and found it to be helpful, tell others about it.

SAGE & THYME training has been delivered in organisations outside of Manchester since 2010 - it continues today as the training works!

It is recognised by others
Royal Marsden manual

SAGE & THYME training has been recognised by others such as:

  • Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures
  • The Care Quality Commission
  • Macmillan Cancer Support (How we can support and empower NHS staff to deliver a good experience of care to patients)
  • Royal College of GPs and Marie Curie Daffodil standards (support for non-clinical staff)
  • Skills for Health (communication resource hub).
It supports their values, strategy and policies

It is consistent with their values, strategy and policies (in communication and care).

Organisations use training strategies to mitigate against the risk of complaints and litigation.

An evidence-based communication skills programme delivered sustainably and consistently is regarded favourably by quality inspectors (CQC).

New starters, preceptors and internationally recruited staff require training in what the organisation expects of them.

Wythenshawe Hospital entrance
What do organisations discover when they teach SAGE & THYME training?

When organisations teach their staff, students and volunteers the SAGE & THYME workshop, they find that:

  • It is useful for newly qualified staff and students
  • It can be used to support colleagues as a part of the staff well-being programme
  • It is helpful for volunteers
  • It supports the organisational values
  • It helps with complying with ‘duty of candour’
  • It provides evidence of a proactive approach to complaints for CQC
  • It supports staff well-being as feel more in control and satisfied with conversations
  • It follows evidence-based practice 

"Found it [SAGE & THYME training] compliments other communication training: the structure of getting into and then out of conversations very helpful, and contributes to greater understanding of patient needs and their holistic care in many encounters I find, not just when distressed or concerned."

Which organisations teach SAGE & THYME training?
We have helped around 130 organisations to run SAGE & THYME training including:

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust

Glasgow City Council

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Macmillan Cancer Support

NHS Forth Valley

Northern Health and Social Care Trust

Oxford Centre for Education and Research in Palliative Care: Sobell House

Princess Alice Hospice

Sue Ryder

The Rowans Hospice

The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

University College London Hospitals Foundation Trust

University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust

University of Manchester

"All my colleagues would benefit from the knowledge gained and this would improve our understanding of patients’ needs.” 

The University of Northampton Institute of Health and Wellbeing, Frail and Elderly Workforce Development Evaluation Report

Latest news

Annual Study Day registration now open

Annual Study Day 2024

We are pleased to announce that SAGE & THYME facilitators and organisers can now apply to attend our annual SAGE & THYME Study Day being held online on Teams on Thursday 14 November 09:30-12:30.

There will be a mixture of talks from the SAGE & THYME Team, as well as external speakers, as well as discussion time in breakout rooms.

Find out more

Training materials updated

We are pleased to announce that we have updated the SATFAC pack, SAGE & THYME Foundation Level and Online workshop slides, and the recording of the SAGE & THYME Foundation Level presentation.

Find out more